dence. 1aco6wasnot ignorant ofthis point, when he refuíed the curteous offer ofEfau who would either himfelfchaue beenea companion to him in his way,or left Ionic ofhis feruants behind en'33' to guard him. WhenSaul pretendedmo[ reclincfe to bringDa- 3'15' tool topreferment by matching him with his daughter , his nnea- ning was to tiring him to dc(}rudion by putting him into the :Sam, 13 hands of thePiìiiillins Firft generally true mercy is peculiarly appropriated to the Reafons. godly as all the fruits andgraces of the fpirit are ; and therefore the Cemblanceof it in the wicked proceedeth from the flefli,and iseuerrnore counterfet,corrupt,and flellily. Secondly inCpecial,they vfuallytranfuert theirfauor &iuf ice, (hewing mercy where they fliould exerciCe feuerity, and pram ¿iiìng crueltywhere they (Mould thew mercy . Saulwas foPitti. full that be would Cpare 4g4 ,though God commanded to flay him, but Magid fhould hauedied if he could haue caught him: And hee made noCcruple itì killing fourefcore and flue Prieasof r Samd.s.: the Lord in one home it wasa fmall matter in hiseyes, to finite a whole Citric of innocent people with theedgc of the fword , both man and woman,both child and Cuckling, betides all their cattell . And fo.Ahabgauc BeuhadadKingof Aram to know, that he would vie him likeabrothcr,and graunt himhis life,whom God appointed to be handled like an enemy,and pup to death : but hee dealt with theprophetsofIfrael inanother manner,and flew as many of them as hecould.comeby.Euen the very (paring of notable wicked perfons,is a degreeof cruelty . againfl the righteous,as they be iniuriousto the liuesofthc fheep and lambs,that permit the wolues andFoxes to liue and breed a- mong them. They vie to peruerr,andouerturncall their goodturnesatone time or other, with milchiefeor hurt either outwardly ,,or to the foulesofrhemwhom theymake beholden to them, In (}rui ionnot tobe like to them , or toconformeour fclues yf to their wales. Let lonebee inour rebukes :let compaflion be in our firipes:Ictour feueritybemercifull,but ncuct let our mete tiesbecruel z. Not tocatour (elms intotheir hands in hope that