Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

3044 that theywill beÇauoutable ro vs;iftheir meeknefîe,iftheir mild. nes,íf their mercybe cruelty , how immefurablycruel! wfll their Ynalice,andwrath,and rage and fury be? Reproofeof thole that neuer exercileany other mercy then that which is here condemned . They arevery caretull for their family and people that they (hall haue refrefhing,and liberty for their fports,and delights,but it isonly on the Lords day,when it Both more harme to their foules , thengood to their bodies; for theywill (pare them no time from their owne works,when they may recreate thcmfclueswith a good conlcience. Othersareas forward in giuing ;theywill be like to lob, not to cate their mor- felsalone,but the poore thall euer hauepart with them : but the choifeoftheir al mfinen is altogethervnlike to Iobs;;for he relic. ued the fatherleffe,and widdowes,andpoore impotentperfons;& they below vpon a filthy, generation of idlevagabonds , whom lob chafed from thevery pretence andcompany ofpeople. Others will declare how pittìfull they are,byhelpingmen that are indiareffer, and therefore ifthey might haue their wils,thcre fhouldnot be fo many punifhei . But whole impunity doe they' feeke for ? whomwould theyhaue to efcape either whip,or goale or gallovvs?not (itch asbe vniutìly accufed : not fuchas beouer- taken with frnall infirmities : not fuch as thew themfelucs moí$ penitent for their faults ; but thofe that are ordinary , obf}inate, and impudent malefalors, &mofi perniciousand grieuous of- fcnders.Thefe are as full ofcompaffion as the Iewes wereofmer- cy,when they cried to Pilate' Barrabar, Farra6a4, let Barra6a lilac and be deliuered. Verfe z T. Ile that ti/`nth his land , jlallbee fatisficdwith bread: set be thatfolloweth theidìe, ss deft¡tuseof under/tending, E that t&llethhie land ) which is indufirious and faithfull to iCildoe good in any honqavocation,0416efati;hadwith bread, ¡hall haue competency of all things that are needfull forhim: but bee, that folloreeth the idle , vaine fellowes, whichgiue them - keittcs to nogood tradeor occupation a and is idleas they are , is do/Iitsite