ere. 457 dejzitHte or 'wider(ianding, playcth the fools, and lliall reek the frnart and pains ofit. Theoppofition is , he that tillethhis land is wife,and f1141 bee fatislied with bread : but he that followeth the idle,or is idle ( fer that is the meaning)is deflituteofvnderf$anding,and flul be fil- led with pouerty.So is the fupply made.Chap.28.19. The exercife of husbandry is a good and commendablcvoca- tion.He fingleth it out,as a paterneor enfample ofof the real that if men labour in any worke that is no work then that,they (hall be Cure that no exception can iuflly be taken againfi it.Manyex- hortations tend to it,as, Prepare thy tvork.9 in the field, Prou. 24.27. 1Viany reproofes and threatnings tend to it,as,T'heflathfull not plowbecaufe ofwinter,arsd therefore be (hal beggeinSummer,Chap. 20.4. Many promifes of blefíings arc to that purpofe, as, Thy 4arne!Ngbe tilledwith abundance,Cap.3 . z o. Firfl,it is the moll ancient of all trades.Godhimfelfe afligned Reafens, it to Adam,andAdam madechoifeof it for his eldefl Connc. It is asmuch voideof guileand deceit as any, and very profi- tableand commodious . The labour ofmen is for good vie in it; and the labour of beats is gain full; as he faith . Where noneOxen are the crib is emptie,but much rnereafe cornmeth6h the flrength of the Oice,Chap. 14.4. And in that refpea there is a promife trade unto them,that theyThai haue a part in manspienty,and fare the better by mans welfare. Theoxenandthe youngales that till the groatnd,¡hall easecleaneprouender ,whichiswinnowedwith the [howl/ It'ay3o.- and thefanne. It is necefrary both for Prince and fitbie }s,and all forts ofpeo- 7 pie. The abundance oftheeartb iefor all: and the King confaffeth by Eccle,5.a. thefield that is tilled. Some can ,liue without fiefli, and manywithout fruits , and more without fifh,but nonewithout bread.The Egyptians were not without fruits and 6í1i, in the yeeresoffcarcity,as it is proba- ble, nor Jacob without cattell, as it is certaine,and yet through want ofcorne theywere all in danger toperifh. Incouragement to themwhole trauell is in it,that theyworke Vfee1< cneerefully.Theyareofas good notewith God for theirferuice, /ithey be faithiull ,asothers whole trades aremoregaitifull,and batr