better ef}eeméd: amongmeat. The Merchants,andGoldfmiths; and leweilcrs,aud others offuch places ai e not fo often tnetttto. red in the Ccriptutes as hey be, nor animatedwith fo many con. folationsas theyare :the grand pronniíes for biefhng on theirla- bourslismade to them in freciall, and the re(} mutt deduc`f their comforts from thence by proportion. Reproofeofthem that diIdaine this calling , fcorning to beof it,or to put their children to it , as accounting , and calling them hmndes,and clownes, and pea1ants,& contemptible- perfor;s, that be ofthat profef is a righteous. hand of God vponvs,that tillage is Co much decaied, bccaufe it is no better regarded :and that there f 1oulal be fo much detraaed daily from the imploy, ment of tncn,becaufe there arc fo few men that are willing to be i,mployed,in it,Notwitblanding it is their great finne,as may ap. pcare by thepremifl"es., which doewhat theycan,for theirpart% todefraud the land offo ancient, honcfl,pr:ofitahle,andneceirary a tradeand vocation. But he that follotveth the idle, &c. They that difpofe thcmfelues to idlene1Te,(liall neither want exampk nor company in it. They {mall haueall inricemcntsandallurements to draw than to it,and hold them in it,fofoone asthey haue any-inclination to that way'. TheyShall not be the firf% inuentors ofthat trade, but others hauevied it before them, and diners will pra6liCe it with them. They (hall finde the ycebroken to them,and a path bea. ten out for them,, and all inducements to bring them into the fnare. f, is Firfi, thereareverymany that are giucn to this finne,as :nay appeareby the-manifold aalmonitions, rebukes and threatninga tothem that ¡lue in iz.ft is a lure rule tobe oblcrued,that when the holyGho(} dothdeale often , and largely again f} anycuill, it is fuchas is hainous,anddangerous, and manyarc fubicì to it. Secondlyitheyare fociable and delight in company,and take pleafure tobediueraofthem together . Experience con firmeth this,and snaketh itapparant and manife f#. How many doe fit to- getherat drinking, and quaffing ,and fürfetting?Howmanydoe flocke together to vaine plaies, and idle (ports and,pa(}imcs? How many were wont to fwatue together every where , as in fundry_