er . fundry places theydoe fill in that dereflable cottrTeofwardring and roguifhnetlè? It may feerne to haue beetle nodel ightfull ha- bitation to line in want and penury and difgrace in a folitary wits dernefie, and yet that was haunted by them , according as lob te- f}ificth : Theywerechafed faorthfrem among men : they 'homedat them, air at a theefe. They roared atn9ng the 6tiPes,andvnderthe 10b30.7. thiftlet theygatheredthemfelHHes. Thirdly, they poyfon each othersheart, when they corne to- 3. gether with Cuch fpeeche,,andexercifes, as they arenoteaGly re- duced to any vertuous behauiourafterwards. Admonition to Tooke toour felucs,s andour people,that the vfe.i; contagionof the fociety , perfwafions, or examples ofvnthrifty perfons ,bringnor either vs orours to ioyne with then,or tobe likevntotherm,Seeingthe núber ofthein is fo great, ourwatch- fulnettermuf} be themore , that if we may, we ihunnc their corn. pany,ifwe maynot,yet to take a preferuatiue that we be not infe- ct] by them . Let this beremer bred that though their number begreat , yet there are none orthemwife, and though they are prefently ful ofmirth , yet they (hall not longbee full of wealth: and as they freethemfelues from thepaines that other men take, foi they debar themfelues from the plenty which othersenioy, and fall into that want which othersefcape. Isdeftittite3 &c. Euery idle perron is fool ifh . ThoughCome of DoCt. them haue knowledge , and that more then the greater part of them that be laboriousanddiligent, yet Godwill not vouchfare itthe name of vnderflanding, nor themfelues thecredit tobee called wife men . The fame that he affirmeth here,he Both (land to,and iufli 6e in an other pl ace , repeating againe the felfe fame words :1pagedbj the fieldofthe floath f t4H,and by thevineyard o f the. Prou.zq.3 man d41tt4t e ofvnderffaneling. And the confequencedoth alfbar- gue as much , when he fendeth him to Cchoole to filch a fimple Millretfe to betau7ht,fayitig, Goes. the Fifmire,O/lwgrd: be- Pron.6.6; holdher waier,andbe wife. FirU,true tvifdom is neuer feparated from faithfulneire inones Reafont calling, becaufe it Iselin. ioynedwith thefeareofGod ,and the fcaeof Codwo keth iii mien obedience to the wordof God,& V the