the wordofGad teacheth euery man to labottrttithbit hands,(or ctherwife)the thing that isgosd.Ephef.4.25. Secondly , the want and mifery lice plungeth himfelfe into loth (hew that wifdorne is away . For wildome dwellcthwith prudence,and makethmen prouident for themfclues their (late and family. Thirdly,his conceitedneífeBoth ciliahis follie : for, 7hefwg. gardis wirer in his ori'ne conceite , then[eienmen that can render c; reafon,Pro.26.16.And thenye know how the cafe fiandeth with hirn.Seefl thoti a man that zvi fein bis own eyes ? there is morehope ofaforade then ofhim Inlru I:ion,to be affraid offodangerousafinne that bringeth fo much mifchiefe with it . What can be more hurtful] and perni. tious then it is ? What can bring a man into greater miferies ?It draweth men into cull] company;euill company will corrupt themwith euill behauiour, and itand euill companie, and cull' behauiour will bring them into an euill (late, and rob then) both of their wealth,andgoodwit.No thecuescan doe fomuch, no ty- rants can make fuch a (poile, no fire can burne vp and confume thofe things that it can . They do nomore but bereauemen of their moneyand fubflanceas it doth,and it takethaway their wif- dome and credit as they doenot. When goods be gone,labour may get more, and friends maygiue more to them that haue vn- derilanding, or atleali they fhall haue peace in their hearts with God,and fauor with goodmen : but, when vnderflandingislolt as well as their wealth , wbat (hall become ofthem ? They know not how to recouer their flate;.they know not how to beare. their wants : they haue no confolation in God : they haue no countenance from godly men , they haue(continuk g in that fin without repentance)no lurehope offaluation inheauen. Verfe 12. The tricked defireth the defence ofthem that heend!: brit theroteof the righteot gineth it. VX THen the ungodlydoecome into perils, andaffliaions, Y and troubles doe come vpon then., all their hopeof hclpc