? r.- rx fclfe,and repented in duff & alhes:how much more then ought we to do it,wvhichhaue more prouoked Godwith innumerable falfe fpceches, and that knowingly and withpurpofe ofdeceî- uir,,and he doth profefie that they haue been,and areabom ina blc tohim ?Andwhat though we haue fomtimes kept our (clues from blame by tellingof lies ?What thoughwe haue deligh tcd others,and obtained-fauour to our (clues thereby?What though we haue made our gaineand commodityofit?Wil all this, ifthis were the winning ofall .the world, be able to counteruaile the highdifpleafurcofGod,and the IotIe ofhis fauor,together with the forfaitngofour owne faluation?And hereby {hall we know that w e befoundly purged from lying,ifwe donot only forbeate tolie,but be utterly vnwilling that any otherlhould tella lye for vs. For that is the note ofa righteous man, that he hoethyinng l'rou43.. werdr,as well as forbearethto (peak them. Andthey fhall be (hut out of-the kingdomeof- heauentogether,which loue,and which make l yes.Reu.22 . Confolation to them that loue the trueth and eserci-fe it : the fame God that hateth liars fodeadly, is as well pleafcd with true nien that atfe6t,and praife that which he loucth fo dearely. Be it therefore that they are maligned for faying that which true is and bathnot only purchafedeuill..will,but harddeali-ng,and that, at their handswhich rum to be able to bearedowne ai.i b fore them;yet know&remecnber that Godntakcth account ofthee for thou art his delight :and chofe that be his fàuorrtes thall find hisfauour effec`tual.l again(} all a?uerfarics, for fafety andpro. tehic , But they that deafe ersre?,&c. That truethwhich-is accrmla e to God conlì4fcth both in ipeakingand doing. a, Nothing canpleafe him but the imageofthat which is in hint and the ffreames which flow from him, as lothThis reail and operatiue truth,and not that which as verball and in word only. This is teffifted ofthe Lord kills ' hrikt thedearely beioitizd fonncofGod, who is.propofed -to vs for a perfeactampic s. imitate, that bet.did no wickednepet as no deceit w folindin k s l vE