x fot,aa Firil,hisword in manyplacer loth command both, and tha equally,and na where doth difpence with hewt ofeither. z Secondly, his fpirit doth infufc both, p y, andmaketh curry man that bathatained to the one to be able to vie the other.That whichSiohn fetteth down in a more generali manner doth t}rongly confirme this particular point. ifany man pinenot in rvord,he is a perfeEl man and able to bridle all thebody. His meaning is not that forum be abfolute without finne in word, andperfea,w ithout infirmity ingoodnes:but that manybe gra- tious without Gnfalncs they their P and fncere,without wickedñes , thuh they ha their in behauiour. 3 Thirdly,both are infallible,& cffential fruits ofregencration: and thcApoflle dothhe1ÇwñdeáhÁithyfull,lraying felucs to , be ofthenumber of t And let him that (Iole, fBale ne naore.Ephef.4 s5.28. Fourthly,both arc requiredofthem, that wouldknow, and 4 manife{I temfclucs tobe natarall mEbersof the Church in this liíc,and inheritors of faluation in the life to come. Lord, faith faim.i g.r,a Dauid,whe (ball dwell in th, 7'aberwacle ? oho Pall ref? in thy ho) mountains? Hee, faithGod, rt realkoh his heart. prgbtly=andworketh rigbteoufnes,andfpsaketb themob InClruc`tiQn,i.ifwewould hfuL;ñ óoo focredit Cr the allow ea among mcn,or the comfort o ooth in sureof it inGods pretence, eshat men maynot more words,then faithfutl in work vs tobe truc in fpceches,then theLord ihal difcern vs to be tru. ay inactions. Not to be ouerhaf}y to receiuc their reports,whomwe arc able to romance ofvnfaithfulnes in behauiour. IfGod giue vs a ca- neat to looke to them,andbeware of them,if he commend none we let to vsfor credible,but fuch as are tiro 11 per light byhis certificate,& be cred ulous to hearken to funs?cfpecially fithenceofall others, they aremoil ready to fill menscares with pernitious and hurtfull informations. Verfc.