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¡Per .23. ROVERBS. 177 Verre s3.1prsident manconcealeth knowledge : but theheart of feeleipublifietb foolrfhnefe. APrudentman,he that is of good difcretion, andbath learned to bewaryand circumfpef},concealcthknowledge,not that he fhutteth it vp altogether,withoutany vieor benefit of it too- thers:for thatiwere contrary to theprofcffìon which the Prophet makcthofthat wherein euerygodly man ought to followhim;! halm not hld thy riihteor4freffe within myheart, but 1haue declared thr trieeth & thy fatuation; 1haw not concealed i by mercy and thy trash from thegreat congregation. Pfal.4.o. i o.Auid that were con- trary to the teltimot,y which is giuenofwife men, chap.i S,7. The tippet o fthe wife doe f read abroad knowledge. But he will ob- lerue all goodcircumfiances of (peaking, that it bee in timeand place,when good opportunitydoth require it,and goodcffef} is like tobe wrought by it. And contrariwife the heart ofa Poole which leadeth his tongue (for guide it doth not)doth fet the tongue on work either tovtter bad matter,or that which is good inbad manner,rhat euery man may fee the follywhich is in it. It is not good forany man toCpeake as much, and as often as Deal. he can,but as often,and as much as he ought.Manywife fayings and fentences,are inferted by the fpirit of God into this booke, to teachmen how to beheedful( for the obfcruation of this rule. As when it is Paid, that the tongue of the wife vfetb knowledge a_ right: Chap.i 5.2.And that a fade poreretb out all hid mind: but a wfeman keepeth in till afterward.Chap.29. t r. Firft thisfparing offpeech,when men referue themfelucs for fit occauìons,andonlyvttcrthat which ferueth for vfe,dothglue Reaforst a cieerctef+imony ofa mind that is f}ored with vnderaanding & iudgement.And thisreaConour text inhandclothoffer vnto vs when it is Caid,that a wifè man hiderh knowledge, as a Foote on theotherfide dothexercife the contrary. Wee deeme themnot thenot} thrifty husbandsand wealthiefi men that will lockvp nothing in their cotfers,nor keep any Chingclole in theirpurfes, but carry al their mony Erg their hands, & thew it toeuery corn met by,andCo do they that haue no more matter within them A a hearts,