Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

RERB c I7 w OY c' hearts,then all the flandersby fhall heare their lips Miller. Secondlÿ,itis a point ofhumility tobe filent in modef}y, as 3 prìde,and conceitednetttenaketh men defirous to hearethem. [eluesfpeaking. 3 Thirdlv,their words arcCo muchmore de1reable, and better accepted as they arc rare,and few, and feafonable. Howgood is a n.15.13 word in due fea(on?faith the Scripture. And a ward_Men In his U.:5'IL. place is as apples ofgoldvpanpiEturesof ¡sluer. The ointment that Is clofe kept in aboxwil yeeld a fweetet fluorwhen it is powred out,then that which is cótinuallyoper.And wine frcfli from the vetfel! hath a better rein, then that which was drawnc long be- fore there was need ofir,orany to drinke it. Inf}ruc4ion to learne moderation and keep meafure in fpea- j' kingvnlike to them that be talkattue and exceed too far in mul- tiplying ofwords.What though it be true that we fay, & fo wee know,& are able to proue iti'Doth euery truth befit eucry time? Should all men alwaies befpcakiag all that they knowUt would be a great mcancs to hinder the increafe of knowledge. Same be talking when they haue more need to heare : Come be tea- ching when they haue more need to learne; andmany wroirg themlelues & them that arc prefenr,in not gluing place toother that are moreCufficient and better able to fpeake.Sodid not Eli - hu,he preferred hiselders,though not his bettcrs,before himfelf. He would not open his mouth beforehis turne came, & that bee b 34.4.áa faw lo6,and his three friends to lwerue out of the wayon both C, hands. 2 Reproofeofthofe that dcf}inate all their fpeeches,and thatin the miniaeryofthe Gofpill, to the fitting forthof their omone praifes.It may only be laid of many,that they preach not Chrifl fo much as themfclues,contrary to die faithfulnetfe of Passl,who preached not himfelfe,but the Lord Iefus Chritl.Their chiefla- boor is not to win glory to God, andmen to faluation : but cre- dit to thenìfelues,and men to the admiration of their gifts and learning-This they principally aime at, that alltnay bee affeeled `vith theirelocution;that al may fee the fruit oftheir wits:that al may difcern oftheir skil in the tongucs,thatal may crimes their parriesin reatiing>thatall may wonder at their depthofiu gars