mint. Ifthole be things that their hearts doe chicfly°de(ire, we mull concludeofthem that their heartsdoe publi(h fooliilhnes. VerC. al..7he hand®fthe diligent 'ballb 'are rule : 6ut thedeceit foilfhall beunder tr:baste. He handof the dilá -ent, that is, diligent men whovfe their hands,orother members oftheirbodics,or clic their minds toLome hone(#andpioiitable trauell according to their calling, fh zli'eare rule,and attain to fumegoodplate ofof irnation .But idle perfons whom want andother occatic rs draw to deceitful( condos to fluft for theraelues, as we haue (hewed in the fourth vede ofthe tenth chaprer,(hal be madevndcrlings,aud brought intoCubit lion and feruility. They which are laborious and faithful( in mean places, doe Dof. , take the day to rile to anhigher degree. True it is that dtuers attaine nor to fuchgreatnefl'e as others doe, and yet beno letfe diligent then others are, but the Lord maketh their inferiority a flep towards theirheauêty aduance- ment : and theyare not without eflimation in that low elate : and God feeth their fruit to be better, and their comfort to bee more there, then it they were railed vp to higher preferment. Otherwife,they that (erneGad in what place foeuer are lure to grow greater. TheScripture propofeth examples hereof, and fheweth how the point hathbeen verified in former ages.Iaco6 at the fitti let him(elfto feruice,and was at the commandement ofanother man,but at thela(l,beingpainful & true,hc was able tokeep feruants himlelfe,& other men were at his commande- ment. lefeph when he came into (Egypt was bought and folde as a ponte bondman , but being faithful! in euery place that free came into, he was promoted in curry place that he came into. When hewas a feruant , when he was a priConer, and eípecially when he was Prince. Dautdhadonce thecharge of a flocke of Meer. ,and thereofwas not a little heedfull but afterwards he had the leadingofan army ofinen,and laflly,was exalted to the throne ofa glorious kingdome. Firfl,p.romotion is from the Lord,and he fettethvp,and ut- Rearexe A z cth