Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Z.- Y. ..__.__. .. ._. ___.-.. .. - .. ' a i . teth downe,accord(ng to his ownewill.And thereforewhenhe hath fitted men toauthority, by humbling them with labour, heaffigneth their places wherein they (hall (}and, & by his pro- uidence preferreth them to the fame : fouler() bceMagiflrates, fome to be Captatncs,fome tobe Minificrs,fome to be Mailers, fomc tobe Stewards, Come to haue one office, andforce ano- ther. Secondly,thehandof the diligent maketh rich, and riches caufe them that are wife & bone(} robe put into authority,and imploied in the townes and places wherein they dwell : or at leaf+ theygrow tobe houfekeepers and bears rule in their owne families. Thirdly, painfulncffe with wifedome and faithfulnetTe doth caufe great perfonages to looke after them.They entertainthem into fcruice:theyput them in tru(l with their affaires : theyglue countenanceveto them:and they many times are means ofthcir riling and preferment..And in this fenfe is that laying : Thoufee that is diligent man in hip 6rsfnefjé (ßandeth before Kings, 4n61 tan- deth not before the6afefort.P100.2 2.29. Reproofe ofthcir folly thatareafhamcd and difdayne to take any pai 'esvnleffe it be in feruing of finne and lull, and thereto they make themfelues flaues &drudges.And what is it that rno- ueth them to fuch niceneffe,that theywill not vouchfafc to put their hands to any worke, or fct their minds to recite for know- ledge whereby they may be fit for force good profeflion ? The feare ofcontemrt :the doubt that they (hall be little regarded,if they applied théfelues to fuch a bare kindoflife.It is not accor- ding to their birth and bringingvp,tofpend their time in labor, or f}udy:it will be a hinderance to their preferment that they looke for.But wil they thus contrary the wordofGod,anderode the truth of his holy fpirit?Wil they fay that diligence Both mak men contemptible, when he fai,h, the diligent hand fhall beare rule?wil they fay that idlenesdoth bring me topromotion,whé he faith,that the idle (hall be vnder tribute?He will as well cro(Te & contrary them in their flate,and delires,& make them feel his words to be true.Wbo feeth not what beggery,&want,& mile- ry they cart themfelues into?Are theynot driuen to fell away,& depart