depart with that inheritance andpatrimonywhich their parents haue left them?Are theynot compelled toborrow and fhift,and to linke deeply into debt?And it is a true Prouerbe, that the bar. rower ró rernant to the man that lendeth. For further vfc of this Prou.zt.7 point,fec the fourthverfeofthe tenthchapter,in the application ofthe fecond dotRtine. VerCe.2 5. Heauines in the heart ofaman dothbring it downe:6ut goodword rciojcetb it. Eauines ofheart,thatis, fuch forrowes or (cares, as arc not godly,& efFeóls offaith,but proceeding from infidelity,or carnail refpefts,efpecially being cxcefFrue,dothbring down the heart,not humbling it krndly,fo as pride may be taken away,but either filling it with difcouragement.or diftemper,againli which the Prophet wrefiled with fundry confli&s:Whyart thoucall down andfonle,andart vngu-et,ortumultuoruwithin me?Pfal.42.5. Now withal! heprefcribeth the remedy whereby thisdifcale of hurt- full furrow and pcnûuenes may be cured, and that is with good words. For the comfortable fpeech of a friend, but efpecially the wholfome wordofGod,declaring the remifiîon of fins, and the fauour ofGod,expelleth the heauinesofthe heart,and refre- fheth it with by andcomfort. Immoderategriefc cloth turnemen to great hurt and annoy- Doe. ance.Asflefhlymirth doth muchcorrupt mens minds,and (iirre them vp to vanitv;Coworldly forrow dothgreatly weaken their hearts and dull their fpirits, whereby theyare hindred from the performance ofmanygood duties.And fomuch is meant in that placc,wherc it is laid that by the Corrow of the heart,the mind is Prot/Li s.t heauy. When fo/hrea was inclining to too much feare and dif comt'ort,for the lotie of his men at their going vpagainfi Ai and theeuill confequents that werelikely to follow, the Lord would not Cutfer him toOne place thereunto raying, Get thee vp where-10i 7.20. fore licit those thus upon thyfacefrieCooke notice,and gaue a cen- fareof this inward atfeetion of his heart, fomcwhat exceeding meafirre,by the. geflure ofhis body. Fira,the health and (irengthofthe body is thereby impaired Reafn,tsx Aa3 and