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and the life it Ccifc is many times fhortned by that mcanes. ,g ioyfrill heart cauf'ethgood health, kit aforrowffllmindedrietb the bones, peatceth to that which is wrrhin,andbrins Beth weaknetfevpon the firongefa parts. Secondly,fuchas areopprelIedwithcares andgriefe are made vnmeet for the fcruices ofGod,who indeed doth req::ire feare, but commandeth! ikewiifetoreioice with trembling. Pfar.2.ila Howcan they cal vpdGod in anyferuency,when ucadnes hath whuly poffetfed them?How can thy be thankfull,andoferac- ceptablepraifcs to Godwhen theyarevoidofal joy and cheer fulneite? And how can they attend vnto his word, when their thoughts are all together buried in the contemplation of theyr owne mifery?The metfage was verycomfortable which ?defer brought to the Ifraclites inEgypt , when the Lord told them, that hee wo#lddel:user t1Frm (rocs the kodens and bondage of the 4£gyptians,andwould take them for his people,d- be their God&o, but it is laid they harkncdnot to himfor ,angui¡h offpirit,and croall bondage. Exo35.9. 3 Thirdly, it maketh men lent diligent and profitable in their callings,whether it be in their feueral tradcs,or in placesof fupe- riority to gouerne, or ofinferiority toobr-y. 4 .Fourthly it bereaueth them of thebenefit and comfort ofany Chrillian fociery wherein they are neither apt to doe good, nor receiuegood.It takethaway their chcerfulnes: it difabeth their tonguesof fpeaking fruitfully:it t }opperh the ireares from hark- ningattentiuely:their prcfencc is not very delightful) ro others, and the company of others is not much regarocd of them. Inflrution,;.co preuer,t this worldly furrow by preferuingof .godly ioy,and that is by keeping thepeace oíagoodconlcience with an vprightheart,and holybehauiour,either fhunnìngoffin that we runnc not into it, or roundly forrowing for it, when wee haue committed it Lookehow much innocency and finceritya- ny man hath,fo much comfort l:i> heart Thall c:nioy,andaccor- ding to the meafure ofguiltinetre there will bean inward fecrct biting griefe and fearefulnefl'e, 2 Whenanguifh and forrow,when feareand troublesaffanit'vs foffrongly that we cannot repel them,Ict vs thenobferue that holy e. I.