holycounfell which God,that can make it effeetuall, cloth offer here in this place vntovs,and that is to haue a recourfe tofaith- firll comforters,He fendethvs to them,he incourageth vs togo, he affurcth vs offucceffc,he bath alwaies performed, that neuer any was left vnholpen,that fought help at his handaccording to this his direC io t.E/chMfpeaketh ofthis to Iob,that when a mauls fh iken with forrow vpon his bed, andgrief,: of his bones is fore, fo that his life caufeth him to abhorre !lead and hisfoule dainty meate,that his fl: fh rs confumed, and his boneschatter, and his foule draweth to the graue,and Ills life to the buriers, yeta faith- lob ;3 r full r'neí%nger of God,oneofd thoufand deliueringhis melfage faithfully from Gad,will Neale ah this in them that glue credit to him,and fet them in as good cafe as euer they were before. For Godwhich can do all things and formed all thirg.s, bathvndcr- taken to glue fuch a bleffing to the words of his feruants, and chiefly them by whofe mini }ery he fpeakerh to his own people Icreate(Cairh he)thefruit of the hp to be peace, peace, that is, Ifa 51 19 (true,perpetual.&mofi contfar.tcotnfort)vnto them thatarcfar of ;andto them that areneere,for I wilhealhtm.Hereof thekeeper AEL 1c.z ofthcprifon,whorn Parddand S,Lrsconuerced,had happyexperi_ ence,and thereby was preferued from deflroying himfelf.Here- of three thoufand atonce,whorn Peter cóuerted,had happy CH.- perience,being deliueredboth from their feares,and firfulncs. To collea all good arguments whereby wepreuaileagainf 3. our dread and forrowesthat grow from our afflictions and trou- bles,As who impofeth them vpon vs but the Lord.And to what end doth theLord fo impofe them,but in mercy andwifedome, as a molt skilful! and faithful! philition,forour profit? Hauenot our betters endured more, and yet were helouedandbleffed of Godboth for the prefent,and afterwards ?Haue not we deferued fame greater iudgements,euen deRruaion it felfe,and is it much ifwe be onely fcourgedfo fauourably with fuch finali firipes of eaGe rodds,by a louing father who dothpreparevs thereby to fo great comfort andglory? Vetf4.