Vcr {e 24. The rightealu is more excelkat tbenhis neigbbour,but the way ofthe w;ckcdwill deseiae theJ, THe rrghteotu,that is,cuery godlymanwho bathattained to vprightnes,though not to perfetionofrìghteouCoes,is bet- ter thenhid neighboter, is better beloued, and graced ofGod, and more e(leemed ofgodlywife mien, and bath that in himwhich maketh himmorecvmendable thenany other that is vnrighte- ous and Cnfull:and fo his way isanfwerablc co his hope. But the wicked deuiring,andPeeking, and cxpc6 ing amore exccllencie about others, are nocwithi1anding contemptible, and grow in time to be contemned,and fo their way deceiueth them. Grace maketh good men to be theworthiefl perfonages. As they gobefore all the vnregenerate in vertue,fo they go beyond them in honour: and as they exceed them in piety, fi they fur- mount them in excellency. The telhrmony which the Prophet giuethofthem to God himfclf,by the inspirationof Gods (pit doth make this manifetf.Mygoodshith he,extendnot to thee.but to the Saints that are inearth:euents theexcellent :all my delightis in them. And Ifaiah fpeakingofthe fameColt ofpeople, though neuer fo mease and pooreafaith,that vponall theglary ¡hailGee a defence. Firft,in regard oftheir condition in this prefent life theyhaue all prerogatiues, and preferments. By parentage euery one of them is Gods child:By dignity they are all Kings:by inheritance they haue title to heauen and earth,their food is heaucnly man - na,their cloathing is the righteoufnes ofChria :their attendants are the holy Angels, what fhould we fpeake of other things, wherein one man is wont to excell many others, and thereby wax glorious and become renowned?Who is wife befdes them? who ci e bathany true fortitude in them?do not al others in their folly bring thamevpon thcmfelucs?Rath not Sathan fuhdued& as it were trampled them vnder his feet ? They are dealt with as bondmen, and put to the fowleft workes of impiety, and falfe- hood,lua,and lewdnes,andof all kindofiniquity. Secondly,