er C.20 ROVERBS. I: Secondly, in refpeé of their aate that (Wall bee in the life to cornc,which by no cóparifon canbe fufficienny exprcfted.They (halt have perfeahappineffe, &be made like vnto Iefus Chrit , more excellent &puitfant,then the moll glorious Angcls.Whë all the wicked !hall be brought to the fulnes ofcontempt : when fharnethallcotter them:when theyfhall betrodendoaneas the 9ich 7.t0 mier in thellreetes. Inftruc`lion,to labour forexcellency bychofe meanes wherby pjfi I. wemay be made excellent,aud that isby growing godly and re-. ligious.This waie wil not faite to eff,:-Ct it,an l none othercourfc withoutit,will be ofany force to bring it topaffe. Men maybe very wealthy,and ignominious: theymay haue gorgeous appa- rell,and beecontemptible perfons: theymay be honoràblicdiC cended,& yet without all honor,Toconclude,neither flrength ofarmes,nor eloquêce oftongue,nor fharpnes ofwit,nor beauty offace, norcomelineffe offlature, nor boldnes of courage, nor anyotherexternali thing,or gifts ofmindevnfanCh6ed, can fo adorneand fet forth one,as that therbyhe may trulybe reputed for a man that is praife-worthic. Reproofe offuckasofall others moll vilifie and contemne them that are mots gratiousandgodly.Whichmake them (ac- 2 cording toS.Pw/sfaying(asthe filth ofche world, and theof- r'Cor..r3 fcouringsofal things. Whichmakeletl'e reckoningofthcm that are truely religious,thenofthe dullwhich theyfweepout oftheir houfes,and call to thedunghill.Theyhad rather haue their chil- dren and freinds tobee beare-wards or chimnie. (weepers, then mortified and faithfull Chriflians. How different is their efai- mation from the tefiinionieof the holy Ghoti ? And therefore how little grace of the holy Ghefl is wrought in their hearts. Lames ,,, 3. S.laires condemneth it fora haynous offence to haue a bate, opinion of the godly, and to put thembehind wicked rich men for their pouertie:how grieuous then is their finne which con - temne and loath them,& put the vikil beforechern,for their pi- ck? But one thing let themknow, and that they (hall in time to come both feeand fede, vnletfe indue time before, they fee their fault, and feelegodly griefe for the fame, that they (hall B b neuer