ROVERBS. ap. 2 neuer inherit gloryw ith the righteous inheauen,'that bedefpi,. fers ofthë in carth.Naynot fo only,but Gcd loth conditifl sith them that would hauean habitation sboue with him, that vik n i 5.h. perjour m,ft be cont cr and in theireies,and they mrift bonathem tb4t feare the Lord. Theother claufe ofthis verte is the fame in fct fe,and alr»of} its words with the ese,htecnth verle ofcheformer chapter, where it is faid,that Thewickedworkerb decettfall work! :and thetforewe refute the reader to that place for thedo1rine ofit. Verfe27.7'hedeceitfull MANrafted; not that which he tsoke in huating,dtet the ri;her of thediligent man itreprstious. TNs deceitfull,c c.That is a prouerbiall kindoffpeecb, figni- fying that they fhall not inioy nor haue the benefit of that which they get by craft and falfhood. lithe whole fimilitudebe fully fet downe, themeaning will the better appeare. Euen as hunters many times when they take aprey,yet tat} not ofit, nor fare the better for it : (For dodges mayCate it vp, or fomeother occurrent may fall out to depriue themofit, as many letscome betweene themouth and the morfell ) fo vniuf} and deceitfull men,though they attaine to wealth and riches, may beeatTured that they fhall neuer haue any found profit or comfort by them, Where by theway,may be teen the different endof the hunting rhatwas` fed in thole daies,and ofthis which is prat ifcd ofma ny in our times.They made it an eaercifefor profit,& thereby,as ìt mayappearc,prouided foode for thetnfclues, and the families wherein they liued,as is to be feenc in the example ofEfauhim- feJfe,who vied to bringhome vci ifon to his father.But it is ordi racy nowwith diucrs tobellow a great part oftheir time to hút meetly for pleafùre,u ithoutany commodity.Theyvoluntarily defraud themfelues ofthe preywhich they take,their h.outholds haue not thebetter cheere by their hunting,but theworfe.They confumc themfclues,and waif their goods,andimpoucrith their wines and children, by following their fports, and ncgleeting their ef}ate:by feeding- fo many doggcs, as that thereby they faile bothofcare and to prouidc for theirpeople. Bert the .r