Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

!?x(.27. PROVERBS. 187 the richer efthe diligent areprecious, that is, thole thh ges which they that areboth fiithfull and iradut}rious do gaine and get by lawful! wearies, that! doc them good, andCane for their corn- fort. Euill mcarie3 ofgettingmaybringgoods to mens,hands, but Doc` . not to their vte. Riches may comeaccording to their desire, but eyther not to tarrywith thcrn,or not to doe them feruice,fo that they wil turn to a vexation at their departure,orto clog & burden them t4hilcs they remain is the Partridge layeth egges whichfhe hatchethnot: lerem r fo,laith leremy, he that oeiteth riches, andnot 6! right lha/llean: theirs in the middeft o fbie d.sier, avd at bis end ßiall be afoole. Ail deceitful! perfons fal into that abCurdity,which byour common prouerb is derided:they count their chikensbefore theybe hat. ched,fofooneastheyhauceggesin their net},theyconclude ofa brood ofcomfort &happhes, which Godbath concluded that they chal newobtain. 'khanhunted after the conlecratedgold, Iof f.-s and íluer,and execrable garrnent:but albeit he caught them,he rolled them not,but was burnt himfelfe,with all his,and whatfo- tuerhe had before. The Amakkites which lackedZiglag,and , took the fpoileof the city,wthD.uiídr wiucs & fubttice,werc prolperous hunters in !hew at the hr(},vet they rot}ed not their prcy,bur prouided it for Dauids vie, & D+tuiddealt with them as with bea[}s that are hu.ited into thenet. Fira,the vfe and comfort ofall thing proceedeth only from Rea/önr, Gods gift and blefing, and (landed) not in the metregetting, and poifeiTionofthem:& ah dcceitfull perlons both in a general relpef{,becaufc oftheir wickedneife,and in a fpeciall regard tot their fraudulent &guileful behaviour,arefubieó tomaledierior and to be curled in euery thing that they deale in, or which be longeth vnto then, Seco : '!y,rhoug'i the vngodly limemany timespower &abi- a lity to increife their goods) yet' the vfe and fruition ofall good things is appropriatedpeculiarly & intiiled to the righteouÿ,for whom the wicked are feton worke,and not for themCelues. And fo much Both the holyGhoUexpreifelie teftifie :Sure) Bbl to