Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

I8 g PROVERBS. Chap. ì 2 to a man that it good inhisfght,Godgiuethwirdore,arsdknowledge, and ioy: hat to the(inner hegincthpanne togather,and toheape yr to glue to him that ttgoodbefora God. Eccle fa.26. lob 1peaketh to the fame purpofe, laying , 7hotegh he ¡hould heape vpRider 4s the dUfl,atndprepare rayr# ent as theclay, he may prepare it,but the 10 /ball putit on,t d the innocent (ball ditude the flitter .Io1.27.,t 6.17. Admonition to withholdour hands fromdireption,thatwe take not fromothers that which will turne to nogood for our felues We bring griefe, and peraduenture alfo want vppon them,but weebring Gnne with greaterforrow andmifery vpon our [dues: it may be their hinderance,but it will be our ovine vndoing,vnleilewe leaueoffand repent, and as muchas we are able,make reflitution. So that our preywill not onely not conic toour di(h,but denourc the reaofour meate, whichotherwife might be for our nourifhment:& by thismeanes our neighbour hhurr, ourlabour is loft, oarconfcience is wounded, our Rare is curfed,our foules indangered, and that which is worn of all our God is offended,and provoked to difpleafure . And there- fore let not other mens fucceffe in this vnthriftymannerofgay. ning,allurevs to follow the fame trade with them, Gthence we foreknow the vnhappy euenrthat wil falout in theend.Though fpoile and cruelty, though rapine,androbbery,though filching and Ílealiug,though gamins, lying, falfehood, or any ìndireet courfes doe 1t vpmen for a time, yet downe theymua, and be drituefi to confeilè, thrall their (infull gettings were vanide & loife,and ail their vnlawful commodities pernicious andhurtful to them. Era theriche;,&e . Wealthwell eottcnbygoodmen, is great in value,whatfoeuer it be in quantity. As the bread of deceit is fweetca, Co the riches of iniquitie feerrebeatovnrighteous perlons: and fluggards like nothing fo well, as that which commeth with leali traucll, and without clef 4.6's much payees taking.Better, fay they,as an handfnlwitheafe,then twohandfrallwith labour and vexationoffpirit. And euery thing isa vcxanonof their fpirit whichputteth theta toapy paynesof rvody.Butthe Lord teiïifieth thecontrary,andteacheth his peo- ple