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Ferf.27. PROVERBS. X89 pI- both by wordandcffcd,that that onely is ofworth and 'nation which hisferuants obtaineby lawfull means,84 his bkf sing upon them. And becaufe this point is moll true, and thc world belceuethnot that any truth is in it, he con irnneth the farce in diuers places : as Chap. i 5.16. Better is a little with the pare ofthe Lord,thengreat treasure and tremble therewith. J hat is,with feare,careforrow,or the checkofan euill confcìence.So in thePfaltr..3 7. t 6. Afined thingveto theri :hteoruais better then great riches to the wickedandmighty. Firt},in refpc of thegiucrthcreof,ir is the Lords hand that beffoweth it upon them as a teflimony ofhis loue,andan earnea Reas,ons. r. ofmoreexcellent trcafures.Now an Angell from the Kings own hand in fauor,is more regarded then a pound from another,vp- onother occafions.And how great a fubíIâce many a man haue cóueied to hi@' by receiuing a íhilling, or WierFor poffeffìon of all that is palledouer to him by deed ofgui'f ture?And how large demeancs may a man be elated in by taking a curfe in wayof li- ueryand feifon?Now though euerlatiing life be principally con- firmed tovs by the fpirit ofadoption, yettheLord would haue hiseternal' fauour to his Saints to be feene and acknowicdged euen in his earthlybenefits. Secondly,itis fanaifed vnto them by theword ofGod, with praier,and thankfgiuing.'.am.q.s, Thirdly,hisblelling maketh it to ferueand fuffice them for all needful( uses : it fatisfieth their hearts : it is competent for their bodies;it is furEcient for their families. And as their fate is in. creafed,fo their handsare opened todillribute to thepoore,and to contribute to the feruices ofGod,andentryway to thew their readines to doe good,foas God may haue glory, his feruants re- frefhing,and their own foules an euerlaifing recompence of Em- mortali t y. Confolation to all godly, faithful], and indulriousperfons, that they are euery way wealthy and rich : rich in glorywhich is T'Íc referued for them in heauen:rich in wel doing:rich in fpirituall' graces:rich in earthly fubffance,if enough of that which is deare &precious may make a man to be rich. That laying which is in the fifteenth Chapter ofthis booke,is not to be ref}rained toany. }3bá one