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190 ROVERBS. C1ap.12 one, but holdeth true for cuery one that fGareth God, that t d boufe'oftheri ;bteouehatbPinch treafure. Things that arecoflly andofgreat price,arcnot to be rated by corparifonwith the meafurcofbaler matters, nor according to the roome which they fill vp.A littlegold oucetualueth flinch leade oryron,nlany greatpibblciare not matchable in worth with one pearlewhich isfarre leife then they area bole full of rich diamonds,isbetter then a bottle full ofwood,and araw,or other flt,tfe that is courte or common.And fo tlandeth the cafewithgood mens poticßì_ onsithebleilìngofGodwich his mercy and fauour dochconuert them into Jewels for their vfe and bene&t,&worketh fuch tour. Portableeife s by them,as all the treafures ofthe wicked can lie- tier yceldveto them. Verfe 28.Life is in the way ofrihteorsfnes, and in thatpathway there,, no death. LIfe,&c.Themeaning is that theywhichare righteous men iut}ified by themeritsofChri1}, and fanhífied by his fpirir. &obedient tohis will in workingthat which is agreeableto his word,are inClare oflife cuerlafling. The life ofgrace they haue potícflion ofalready;the life of glory isaifured to themby the lifeofgrace : whofoeuer bath the one, canneuer faile oftheo- ther. And therefore it is laid that there is no death in that part. They are deliuered from the firft death, whichbath power ouer all finfull men, in this world:and they (hall never come into the fecond,which is the portion ofreprobates in theworld to come. And this is confirmed by the tefilmonv ofChri ll l.imfrlfc, 11,5.4 ing, Veray,verry, Ifay vnto7ou,hee that bearetbmyword, andbe. leerieth inhim thatrent me, bath epterlalling life, and,hall, not cows into condemnationbat bathpaledfrom death to life. The doeirine which the words would mini(ler,hathbeen dcclared,ind prole. cuted in thenineteenth vcrfe of-the former chapter, where it is laid that righteosefnei¿cadetbto life, and therefore it isneedletfe to handle it agaiue in this place.Qnely let thus muchbe fpoken, thatthc holy Ghofi Both not in vaine fo often promifelifcto them that leeke, andCeruehim. He cloth repute it more then twenty