Verft. 2 S. 191 twenty times in this onebooke, betides the mention that the o- ther partsof fcripture doe makeof ir,almaf} cuery where. It is therefore a point ofcertainty to them that lay hold on it: it is a point ofd'ifficulty,and not eafily bclefued; fthenceGOD to hclpe ourhearts clothagair,e,and againe redouble it :and it is a point ofgreatimportance,retluiring a serious and confiant me- ditation,wtthout which mengrow barren,and catelef a in doing all good duties:and by which they are made rich andplentiful) in all holy feruices. The confideration of life, andoffuck a life will incoutage the hcart,andopen themouth, & flrengthen the hands,andmake thefeete nimble to runnc in thewayes of righteoufnes:all that they candoe in obedience, they will account too little, and nothing that they Cuffer for uel-doing,they will thinke toomuch. FINIS.