egsti4AOMNiaPaliM.11'Mts-I'Mhtt'lz4N , Pa r (` .ì_-;-a` 7G`::Cilr3 :i .. / . 7 . , -e- sú M ..'M.mr6N a ¡ To theRightWorlhipfullour appro- ued Ghriftian friend ,-Mifiriffe E IJ 1. z A- B E- T A.LT E R of wLmb1e%O3, Grace Mercie and Peace. IM,v.P.,,.0:.......1.1,1 Ood Miílreffe V v ALTER, theplentifull fruites ofyour Chriilian love towards vs , and many others , doe not onely binde vs to offer vp our Prayers and prayfes to God for you inprimate , but alfo to give force more ap- ]_ , parant teflimonie ofour vn- famed thankefulneffe vnto your felfe, asbeing a fpeciall iniirument of our goodand Comfort. Here therefore we prefent vnto you this ímall Treatife, notdoubtingofyour faiourable acceptance thereof,wheta ourformer VÓTritings did onelypaife by you, you alwayes called them in, and gauethem kind entcrtainernent, not oncly in your Houfe, but inyour heart;and therefore thefe now that come vndcr your owne Name , andcaflthem felues vonyour favour, cannot beevnwelcome. If your fliccefffci FReading, bee anfrverable toour defireandpur- pofe