Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

THE CONTENTS. Vcrfe V I. Doe. Many pretende much loyaltie to Princes andPotentates> whichbeare littlegoodwill veto them. Verfe ,VIII.` Doe. Neither confanguinity nor fam:Ìiarìy will make friend to ham thatis inmifery. Verfe VIII. .Doet. r. It is aprerogatiue peculiar to thewife` andgody,to be of neri oftheirowne hearts. DoA. z. Essaygodlywife man is atrue friend to himf lfe. Verfe X. Don. The liberty ofdelights and comfortableproferity, dock nothing belong tot-he wicked. Doe. 2. All(inners are bondmen, andeuery goodman is a Prince. Doti. 3. £uillrulers neuer abufe their authority fomach, as when thegodlyfall into theirhands. Verfe X I. Dod. It mak,çth much foramans credit to begentleand peace- able. Verfe X I I. Doe. It is expedientformen to begoodftbieEls, euenforfeare or hope ofthe `Princes offe5lions. Verfe X III. Doi. Themolt deleílable commodities ofthis life , turnemany times to be very o f fenfiue. Verfe X I I II. ,* Doe. x. Noman canpofsiby haue potfefions ofequallvalue with goody ok,efellow. Doe. 2. The more immediate any goodgift of godis, the more precious it is. Do&. 3. The Lordhatha principal)handin allgood mariages, Verfe XV. Doe. i. Sloathfulneffe is a vicevery hurtfull both to body, f ule, and outwardcitate DoSt.2.Vnrighteous dealing bringer!) that miferyvpómensheads, which they are molt afraidof. Verfe XV 1. Doe. So much confcience as any man maketh of obedience tt, Godswill, fómuch afurance he bath o ffaluationandf<fey. Verfe XV'I I. Doe, what f euergood is done togodly menaffliEted, is accepted e./4 sf