Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

THE CONTENTS. ofGodas done tohimfelfe. Verfe. XV I I I. Doi. ì. CorreElion ofchildren ought not to beouer-long deferred. Do&. 2. TheyPhew themfelues vnnsercifull Parents, which ex- empt their children fromdue corre&lion. Verfe XIX. Doíd Correttion is neither tobegiuen inpation, nor omittted re- .mfcy, Verfe XX. Doc& 4godlymanfhallhaue tiiegreatefl benefit ofhispiety ,and graces, whenhe drawethneerefl to his dead). Verfe XX I. Dod. Thingscome not topaffe by menspurpofes, but by )Cods ap- pointment. Ver. XX I I. Doa. T. Vertue and well -doing is the beft ornament that oi: man can h deckedwith. Dodd. 2. Pouerty is no dr(paragement to thegody, noranypre ment to thewicked. Verfe XX I I I. ,s41 Doc1. i. Euery goodman liueth alwayes infafete ofhis life. Do61.z. Godlinefprocurethfuffïcientprowfortformens outward eflates. r D. 3. Nothing that is hurtfis'l can befall any man that god y Verfe XX V. Do%. be excluded,yet they arenot to be exemptcdfrom duepuniAmcnt, Vcrfe XVVII. D _,61. Whofoeuerwillproceedeconflantly in thewayes ofGod,mtsl takeheedeo f feducers. Verfe XX V III. Doi. z. Awsckledperfn may eafiy bemade afalfewitneffe. D3Ó . 2, Thegreater delight anyman raketh infnnrng, themore greaterafinnerheis. Verfe XXIX. D6t. Thoughwick dmen deride the words ofGod, yet they can- not efcape the execution o f them. CHAP. zo. VERSE. I. Do. Hey that grue themfelues ro drunkennef fe , doecati themfelues intomany mifchiefes. Doi.