Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Verfe III. Doa. It is a laudable vertue to be ofaquiet difofition, and to a- uoid contentions. Verfe IIII. Doi, z. Light occafions will hinder careleffe menfrom the doing D061.2. He that willtake his eofe ,o fnecef fary duties. when he cught not , pall feele mifery when hewould not. Verfe V. Dos. T. Maliciou$ menbole further reaches andplots in their heads, then theworld knoweth of. DoÓL s. There be nonefo crafty, but others may be as wife tolift them. Verfe .V 1. Doót. The bell works ofvnfaithfullmen be ofnovalue with God. Verfe VII. hone ,thefame is all; righteous. Dom }. . whofoeuer isfincere & i -' Do&. 2. Faithfull Parents haue no caufe to dread the fare of it childrenafter their deceafe. Verfe V III. Doóì. 11vigilant (1.1ler is a reftraint and terreur toviciousper- font. Verfe IX. Doi. The bedfhallhaue corruptions and fnnes cleaning tot em, fo longas they lase. Verfe X L Du& t. It concerned) theyoung as wellas theolde, to be religious, and to hue vertrioufly Verfe X I I. Doót. Our members and fenfes are the uorkmanfhtp andgift of God. Verfe XII I. Dos. The abufe oflawfullthingsis nlawfull&hurtfill. Verfe X I Do&. T. TheLord doth takenotice ofall the behauiour ofmen in their trafficking onewith another. Dott. 1. Carnall men diret not their tongues fo much to fpeake truth, as to feeke their ovine a u X.V I. Do&. They that rafhy call themfelues into debt, arenot fo fauo- rabC to bedealt with, as they thatfall there-into through necefsitie. y Verfe XXV I I. Dod. T. Nothing isfopleafant to the voicked,as that which iDooll eff 2 hurtfull.