Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

NTENT3, Do6t. s. Though iniquity andwickednefeyeeldpleafuree at the beginning,yet theywillput men toPaine in theend. Verfe XV I I I. Do61. /. Amanswifedomeferuethhimfor befl of , when bee will not refl vpon it alone, but be holpenby the counfellofothers.. DoSi. 2. Wifedome andcounfell are needefull and auaileablc for warre, as firength andpower. Vcr. X I X. DoE. r. It isgoodwifedome not to troll aflanderer or tell-tale, with thyfecrets. Doét. 2, Bothconfultationand conuerfationwithflatterers is tobe ¿saoided. Verfe XX. Dod. Rebellsosts children and Inchasvile their Parents, are fubicct toforrsenotablemifchisfe andpuni/hment. Verfe XXII. Dod. Allk,indeo freuenge is vnlawfull for Chriliians, Verfe XXIIII. DoE}. Godhathaprovident hand in thedifpofingofallmeni waiei. Verfe XXV. Doé}. Sacrilìgeotuperforas cannot longproyer. Verfe XXVI. Do61. It is no cruelty for theMagíflrates.fharply to punifh lewde anddiforderedperforas. Verfe XXVI I. DoE}. z. That onely is tobeefteemeda lifewhich isfantirfiedwith grace. DoE}. 2. Where Godwork,ethgrace, healfogiuethknowledge and vndcrßanding. Verfe XXV I I I. Dot/. Thebefl wayfor Princes to confirme andtrengthen them- filues, is to begood to theirfubielts. Verfe XXIX. Dod. Goddoth adorne men withfeuerallgiftsjaccordíng ro the di- uerfityoftheir conditions. Verfe XXX. Doit. Scuere corrections arefometimes to be vfcdasgoodmedir finesagain lgreatfinnes,