AN EXPOSITION OF THE EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER OF THE PROVERBS. CHAPTER. XVIII. Verfe z. Fer hiedefre a man willfeeke,feparating him- f lfe, and deale ix every matter. Or del:rea roan rait/feekr]Euery man will applie his minde and indcuour to get that which bec affee4eth, feparatinc hirrfelfe, a- uoidingall the lets & impediments which arc like to cro!fc his delre, and zri/ldeale in emery ,matter, hee will attempt all fuch cour. Ces as may ferue for theaccomplilhment of his purpofc. Whatfoeucr anie man heft loueth, that he will with greatel diligence and providence labour for. That which the heart moil wi(herh, whether it he good or bad,the torguc,hand and head,with all the other members,are ready to procure. Ierensie complained ofhhr wicked, which delighted inwickedne1Ïe: that theygave themfelues to fraude and fal (hood,and tookegreat pains to dowickedly. And Efaycorn- mendeth the godly,which fet.their mindes ungodlincí1c,that Frith their (Owlet, they defred the Lord in the no: cht : and therefore with their(pirits within them,theywould leekhim in themor- ning. When Achill' had apprehendedan hopeofglorieand I3 wcalth, Dolic: let. y.$.