Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

s PROVERBS. Chdp.t8, wealth, to be wonne at Ramoth in Gilead, he prefently cafleth about how to come by it, and thenhe foliciteth Iehofaphat to bcare him companie, and then he appointeth his flattering prophets. to gluehim incouragement, and then hefcorncdat Micai4h that foretold the peril!, and then hegoeth on obib- nately rather then refolutely to trie thefucceile. AndDar¢ids principal I care was to pleaic the Lord, andtoprocure comfort to hisowne foule, and therefore herelolued, for that purpofe, to walks in the 'awes of the Lord, and to banilh from him all corrupt andpernicious companions. 'Tway (faith he) ye ricked ; for Inil! kecpe the comrnandcrnents ofmy Gods In which examples afwell oftheone, as oftheother, our text is verified, though in contrarie manner. For both thcfe kings were inflamedwith contrarie delires, the one of his owne glorie, the other of the Lords :both of them fcparated themfelues, the one from good counfell, the other from bad: both of them prac`Ii(èd that which they deemed heft for their turnes, the onecontempt again(' Gods word, theother obedience cn f. to Stt. Fir(}, it is the nature of loue, to make men induflrious and painefull to compatfe that which they couet for the fatisfying of their wills, as appeareth by generali experi- ence. Secondly, they that be good,anddelight in goodnes, (hall bealined and dircc`}ed byGods holic fpirit in godly procee- dings : and they that befinfull and take pleafüre in (inne, (hall be driucn forwards, andprompted by the fuggclhonsof Sa- 'ÿße. than inmifchieuousprabifes. i Confutation ofthecolourablegloires whereby innumera- ble guilefull profcifours illude their owne foules, and decciuc the opinionof others.They thinke themfelues zealous for the truth, and defircus offaluation,but are idle,and takenopaines topurchafe grace : they arc barren, And bring not forth the fruitsoflouc : theyare careleifc,and flic net from the baites of firne. The lcaudef companions arc as acceptable to them, as the honci'cil Chriilians : the molt infec`'ious fpecches difplea c