rte.Z. P RO tl ER4 S. difpleafe them no more then the wholefomeft ini{rueci- ons: they are as well contented to be preterit where thewic- kedetI prac`Iifes are plaied, as where the godliest feruicesarc performed. Ifthe fcateoflouewere in themouth, andnot in the heart, iffaying in word were CüThcient to declare a found af£eaion, without flìewing the fame indeed, we might bo- la= Lich men, that they hail vpright delire (for none are morefor,vard tobrag and boaft thereof then they) but fïthcns they (aile ofPeeking and feparating, and exerci{ing, which thould make them manifcí, they mu(} pardon vs though we conceiue not fo well of them, whenwe feeno better tef$i.- monieofpietie in them. Verfe.2.goale is not delghtedwithknowledge, bat in dij cotie- ring his ownsheart. A Fools] a wicked perfon de(iitute ofgrace and wifedome, andyet highlyconceited thereof, bath no delightinvnder- (I. wing, is not desirrous to be truely wife, and therefore regardeth as little the meanes whereby he may attains to wifedotne, but iv difeorxering his owne heart, in flrewing by word and deed, that Collieand naughtines which proceedeth out ofhis corrupt and wretched heart, nothing doth fatisfie hitn,but that which is agreeable to his humours. If It is the note of (infull man to be potretred with felfe-Dom liking,andWilfulnes in his owne waies. Ofall menwhom the prophets had to deals with;they mold complains ofthofethat were of this difpofition, and no man was more troubledwith them,as itfeemeth than iereruie.When in the nameofthe Lord hewilledthem to inquireofthe oldway which it thegoodway, andwalk; therein, and theyf.';oxld fnde refl to their foules, they raid, theywouldnot walze therein. When hebid them take heede to the foundof the trumpet, (that is the word of ier.6.16= God by his metrengers)theyfaid,theywouldnot takeheed. When he admonifhed them to retsrne every onefrom his erail'way, and mks theirwaies, and their workcs food, theyf.-iddeffreratei,faerey B z