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4 PROVERBS. Chap. V. wewill wake, after ourowns im;t3in:ations,anddoe emery manafter the ffubbornnesofhis wickedheart. Andwas that gooddeaf ingwith him in :í£;1p1, when they told him exprc1kcly, that the word 44.1.1 which hehad'Poken in the name ofthe Lori, they 11ou1i not h are it ofbin, but would doe wh.atfoeuer thing went ow of their owne mouth. ans. Firi},c.trnall rcaCon,an I worldlywìfe_lom°,are ofgreat force i and e;Èimation with them, and there are en;nit,e to the coaa- (CIS ofGo.l,and thecounCelsofGod are fooli1hnes to them. 2 Secondly, the lu.}s ofthe fleih doe rule atld r One in their foules andmembers, they arewholy led with fenfill itie : and what can they relish which Cauoureth ofthc Cpirit ? and what will not delight them,thatisGinfulland fenCualI ? Thirdly, pride continually aboundeth in their hearts, they arc toppe-full thereof, and ouerflowcn with it, to that all good counfll given vino them, they reicd as contemptible, but their ownswills and deuifes, they followas diuineand admira- ble. Their wittes are fo frelh, their knowledge fo decpe, their fpeeches Co wife, and their adions Co well ordered, as that no- thing is well,either done, or laid, or thought of, which is con- traric to theircourfes. [n!}ru:tion not to likeofvndcrf}anding or inf}ruc`}ion the trfi. worfe, becaufe Co many doe like of it no better: for we know t' that thegreatef}number Bothneuer coniì(} of the wifct}men, but of the worldlief}. And what though the whole bandof Sathans fubicc`lrs fhouid with open mouth exclairne and cric out vponwiCedome ? It is enoughfor her duepraife, and our tt 11.19, imitation, that file isitaified,lherownechildren. W,vbathbelee- .43. Needour report, faith the prophet Ifay ?andyet bieiredwere they that didbeleuec it,though neuer fo fcwc ;andcurledwere they that gaucnocredit to it,although therewere many millions of them. 2 Conuidionofall peruerfeand ob(}inate perfons, which he wedded to their willes, andofeucry onewhich takethplca(urc in finnc,that naughtines hath place in his heart. But who told vs what is in their minds and atfeéions, what they bcl} lout and like of? Shall wehe iudges oftheir confcicnces ? The) tell vs