nrf%T.' PROVERBS. vs in-word and deed which way their heart is inclined, their lcaud and licentious exercifcs bewray and difcouer their in- ward corruptions. Who hcarcth not their tongues fay that they are vnchiu ly ninded,when their lippsbe vfually talking impurely ? docth not lull and leaudncife itfue out of their mouths? And will not immodeft and wanton behauiour and dalliances declareas much to menseyes ? Who feeth nota co- uetous affection (hewing forth it felfc by greedie fecking of gaine,and coin noditie ? And.1oeth not ambition,and infolen- eie,andgarillines, tellifieagaina proud perlons to their faces So Joeriot, vnthriftincs, and voluptuous lining, perpetually cryout vpon Epicuresandbellie-gods. Confolation for them that (iriue tobring their wills in fub- iec4ion to Gods wifedome, and imbrace infiru6tion, and as much as they can,doemorti fie their inordinateaWedions : the fpirit ofGod inditcth them not offolly, but theLords owne teiiimonicconicquently cleareth themofthat contumacious o`S[Iinaciewhereof thewicked are conuifted. Verf.3 . when the wickedco v»tth, thencomnethcontempt, vnd with the vileman, repro, rch. Hen thewicked commeth,awhen any man becomrncth waxethfinfsall,thenrommed,conernpt,difho- nour and infamie follow fall after him, hiscredit is growing into a confumption, how great and Wary mums focuer he hath to vphold it : andwith the vile moorep? s cb, he that is vIcious,and by ill doingdeferucth (hamc,fhall belure to haue flume n and reproach his companions : ifmen dare not fpeake contemptuoufytohim, yet they will talke contempti- blyofhim, or though they (hould be afraid to cenfure him in their words, yet they will be bold to dcfpifc him in their mindes.Seechap. i t.2.& 13.18. Verf.4. The 3,ords ofa4excellent >rsvni mouth, ore44 deeps Tina ten,thewelj7ir:ngofwifedome,is asa f osvingrinser. orHewords,1 thewholefomeand fruitfullfpeeches,o fa»excel- lent¡Hartsmonth,vttcrcd bygodlymen, andOuchas feare the B 3 Lord