PRÖV ER B S. Chap.'s. Lord : for to them doth theholie Ghoil vouchfafcthe titleof excellencie : aswhen Dauidfaith in the Pfalms,Nygoodnes ex- tendeth to theSaints that arein the earth,and to theexcellent. And whenSalomon faith in this booke,The righteous ismore excellent thenhisneighbour, They are as deepe haters, plentiful! and copi.` ous, fuch as faile not, norcan be drawne drie at anie time. The Well ifiringof wijedonze id Isle a flowing racer , their heartsfeede their mouthes , andthereout, wife, holie,and fruitefull words Howeabundantly, as ,a vehement arcame boylethout ofa rich Fountaine. See Chapt. to. i z. Werfe s. Toaccept ofthepirfonoft iewickd isnotgeedsto ewer- throw the iu.flimmix iudgement. PurlDaccept ofthep+erfonof thewickeal to freehim from punitlh. nnent,or to thew him fauour ina badmatter,for his power, parentage, kindred, friendes, wittc, wealth, gifts,accluain. tance, or to regard anie thing in him, without thecaul , is not good, f ut dangerous andhurtful!, it will drawdowne thefudge. rentsof Godvpon tholeMagiff, ates,or perfGns whatfocuer, which vfcfuch parcialitie : andhe fpeakcth in thismanncr,be- caufe there is afheweofwifdome,ani poiicie,for gainc& fafety, bygratifying of them, in refried. of thebribes which theywill giue tohauetheir turhes fettled , and the mifcbiefe which they will work tothofe thatpr 3cecde feuerely again fl thew,ousery throw the iá,i sazánisidgemegt, this is the circa, that common- lie infucthvponthe fa or that is chewedto thewicked,and ma. keth theWinedouble: In fo much as vnrightcous malefaaorr are feared, fo much theharm leffeand innocentare oppreifed that handwhich I ifteth vp him, whom it ought tobeat downe, will hate downehim, whore it ought to lift vp. Either of thefe weregreat offencesalone, but verseprieuous when they are bothconioyned together. It was a foule faultto fake the relcafeofBtrraódrs,which haddefcrued todie, but tohaue him deliuercd, that Chrift might becrucified, was intollerab`cwic- kednes : andyet it wouldhaue bene more notoriousand dete- fiable,ifChriahad bincondemned to die,by thepratifcand per-