yerfe.6.7. PROVERBS. 7 perfwafion of Barrabbss, which thing fometimes befalleth the members of ChriIl, by th'in(ligationofthe fucce(fours ofBar- rabbu. TheShechemitesaduentured codoe that which is here condemned, and there forethey felt the penaltie which here is threatned : theywouldfet vp Abinselech tobeking, becaufc he was oftheir bloud,and flue theother fonnes of Grdeon for his fake, and at hisrequeti, but in the end they found it notgooc to accept oftheperfon of the wicked , and to otterthrooe the iuJt : for Iudg9.454 theyand theirCictie were de(}royed, for takingpart with their wicked kinfman , and offering violence to the righteous chil- dren ofGideon. SeeChap. z 7, verfe z 5. Verle 6. Afooles lippes comewithßrife , andhis mouth calleth for!tripes, Vet fe 7. Themouth ofa foole is his owne deflruFlion , andhis lippesarea fnare for his forsle. A Fooleslippes come withfrife,] thewicked talkeofa graceles foole, his rayling, tlandering,lying, backbyting, challen- ges, coanparings, pping,and gyrding , doe as dire lie tendetoquarrels, or btablings,as ifthey had legges to goc ve- tocontention : which is efrecially tobe vnder(loodofthem that be froward ,proude, giuen to fcoíhìng, and others of like nature&difpoltion : andhis mouth callcthforßripes, the words ofhis mourndo prouoke,and euen call for blowes,and punilh- ments, by his delire vpon others, but by defers and effect up- onhimfelfl:. The mouth ofa foole ishis ovine deflruchion, his vn- aduifed and intemperate fpeeches bringhis owne overthrow, and his l:pees arefor hisfoule , that matter which his lippes doe maliciou(iieorra(hlic utter, is an cccalìon and meanes to in- trappe him , to the hazard of his (late, life, and fa/nation, Euil I words aremo(l pernicious to thofe that fpeake theta. Dorf. icclefiaßes ofrmeth, that the lippes ofa facie deuoure hurt /clfe. And in the twelfth Chapter of this books , the cuill man is (aide to be enfnared by thewickednc4Te of his lippes ; and diners fuch fayings are tabe found in the former Chapters, which Prou,r 21 wereverified in Doeg, in Haman, andDaniels aduerfaries,whofe tongues