Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

PROVERBS. Cá4". tonneswere fharpe andkccnc, to cuttheirowne thrones, but blunted by the good hand ofGod, that they could not hurt his fcruants,'whome theyBrooke at with their bitter accufati- ons. ens. Firfl, the tongue is an edge took, and requireth the skill of wifcdome, and the flrengthof-grace to handle it. If it be well managed, it is a weapon defenfue, ifothcrwife, it is asmuch offen(iue to him that abufeth it , who euer holdeth the point and edge in his ownchands,& fmitethat others with thehilts. Secondly, the Lord is wontto render fuch men their owne meafure,and maketh them fall into thepirtcs,whichwith their harmefull tongues theyhaue digged for their brethren. They whichby lying and traducing would defameothcrs,by thedif- coucrieoftheir hues are made infamous themfclues , and an theywould haue hurt thereby the (lateof themwhome they (1[lieaccufed, fo their owns flares are impaired by actionsand fuitesarifingvpon their (launders. So itfàllcth out with fierce and furious feilowes, and gibing-mates, and challengers, that feeking either the difgracc or bloodof their neighbours, they reed=contempt and wounds to themfelues. And fo fpeede confpiratorsand traiterous people, theymaligne the I ifeefthe Prince, andpeace ofthe Countrey, and thereforedoe praelifc the ruineofboth, but it plcafeth God to make both to (land, and manieof them to fall, and let the mil beware, that they drink not ofncc famecupwith them,although for a time,they be too much fauoured. Thirdly, it is jut} and righteous with the Lord,to call all vn- godlymen toaccountsbefore his judgements (sate, not onely for theirwicked workes,but finfull words : yea , for ruerie idle 11. 36. word, as our Sauiour foretelleth,& then they (hall finde to their endletfewoe , this Scripture to be fulfilled, that the 'mouth of a fohle is his cone de.7ruc`iion, andkis lipper areafnarefor his /oule. ¡Ä6 Admonition,tobe more afraidof(peaking finfully, then of all that finfull mencan (-peak again(} vs, becaufe they can one- ly attempt thereby to hurt vs, if wee be upright with theLord, and hee will hide vs from the fcourge of their tongues, that though theyblame vs for a time, yet they (hall not flumevs for _.