VerfS.9. pROVEB . and therefore they were not too young to be plagued for their lewdnetfe. Childhood was no protection for them again(' the curie whichwas denounced by the Prophet, or the (laughter which was made by the 13eares. Inf}ruc`fion , that the conlìdcration ofall this moue Pa- rents and Ouer-fears to Tooke to their youth betimes, before Saban bath by his corrupters marred all. So (hall theyper. forme theduties of beff loue,to their children : fo !hall they prouide for the future profperity both of Church and corm man -wealth (for it rakethmuch for thegood oftheflock; that the Lambes he well lookedvnto)and fo than they make theirowne life and death to be much inure comfortable. And children are to be admoniflaed tobe teachable, fo (cone as their gouernours fee it feafonable to teach them : and thofe that byparents remiffenetle , or their owne indocility . and vntowardncs haue loll the morning of their age , by tarrying fo long before they tooke their iourney to, ards heauen let themhence-forth redeeme the time, and tram!! the faller in the wayes ofvnder:Ianding and obedience. But as, what !hall wee fay to the age wee now liuein,wherc too few are careful! hereof , either parents to teach, or children to learne the Icare of the Lcrd: So little hope there is of propagating of piety from fathers to children at this day, that wee may iutlly fcare lei} in the fucceediog generations it will grow very fcarce and rare to be round : other See Chap. r o.verfe It belongeth to both the parents to informe their chi!. drn in godline(fe and religion. If the careof the Tonne muff h.earehisfathers inFlruc ion: the tongue of the father mull not falle to inf}ruc`I : if the mothers teaching is not to be delpiled, the mother bath then theplace of a teacher. Dauidgaue precepts to Salomon, and fo did liatlehe6a :that which his father taught him, he taught Try, 4.4.4:ßd others, and publifhed theCame to thewhole church ofGod, 31.1. (2c. and fo he did in like manner that whichhee learned of his mother . Firl}, the children areas nears in natureto the one as to ?afn the