Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

e? í i o a R. O V t11.11S. oftentimes abroad, about other irployments ; Wherefore children alla mull know that the iníruc9ions , the check and commandsofboth are to be heeded and regarded with- out partiality, Although thy father be fuperiour although h hath more power to correcc, and ability to reward : and thy mother in gifts, in five, and inbody be weaker, and of leife reputation,yet let not the preherninence ofthe one,nar the infirmities oftheother Upholder' thee to be vtidutifull to either. God hath ioyncd them together in c itanaiffion, and fee them ioyntly oucr the family, and therefore they are to be obeyed together in confcience to his crdinance,the autho. city of one comrning from the famefupreme power as the other, and tending to thefame en.d, and as much confirmed by precepts, pronnifcs,and menaces. What a curie is threat ned to him that 111211 be contemptuous to both or anyone 'ofthem ? The eye that mocketh hicfather, or delpifrth the in- rreti<r,3o, z7 f roman o fhzs mother , the R uens ofthevalley, which are more fierce andccruell vpon their prey , fh,allpickeit ont, and the yoong Eagles who are more bu fie and better able with their 6eakes to denoure, ¡bail ente it. Comely &c] No ornament can fo much adorne any , as a gracewill. The inward decking, is aiwayes the aloft gorge. ous, and the fpirituall attire tile richeff . Becau1eSalomota would haue themorecredit giuen to this , and be the better beleucd, hee auerreth the fame in another place, and that in his fathers words to him, in way ofprecept,counfell, and incouragcrnenr to intcrtaine wifedorrie. Exalt her, and Ace fzall exalt thee : Ace fh ll bring thee tohcnotr, z fthon im-. Irre'cr', .8g,.: braceher, ihee f angine acomelyornament vnto thine head, yea Acefl» all gibe thee a Groyne ofglory . And in this ferle is the Kings daughter,the Church,coritmended in the Psalme, to be all ,lcriouwithin , hauing her cleathing of broyderedgold, P'4t.4 s% 13a4. and being brought vnte the King in rayment ofneedle-were, Firfly all f1kes, and Gluer, gold, pearles, and precious Reafon Clones, are but corruptible matter, at the ftrfi receiued from wormes,