,erfe,24. PROVERBS. S. t wel-willer, whichbearethChri(}ian affection untohim whom heloucth, is nearer then abrother, is more faithfull and Ckm- fiant in minifiring helpe and comfort, then an ordinarie kinfman,or meerc naturali brothcr. a It is in vaine for him to cxpecîcon f}ant kindnetle from o- thers,which is careletie toperforme duties to others. We commonly fay, and fee itdayly-to be true, that it is an DWI. cafie matter toget a-friend, but hard tokcepe him,becaule the hauingofhim, is abcnefiteofferedout oíanother mansgood will; but- the holding of him is the worke ofourowne wife- dome. WhenNaomy&Roth were vnited together in loue,and affinitie, the Scipturc tiotethhow provident theone was for the goodofthcother,Ruth labouring to get foode for Nanny, andNaomry feekingto geta good match for. Ruth, and bothof them imployed all their might, andmeanes,for the preferuá tionoftheir mutual! focietic,andwelfare. Firt}, tobe lovingly dealt with, andnot todeale louingly,is Ruffnf, a thingdifpleafing to the Lord ; and all the curtefics that they by hisprouidencc haue recciucdatmans hands;remaine vpon their fcore,andby his iutlicewill be exacted at their hands. Secondly, thekinder any friend is,andnot regarded,noran- fwcredagain withkindnes, thegreater indignitic he eficemeth the contempt ofhimfelfc tobe, and is the moreprouoked a- gain(}him that is fovnthankfull. Inf}ruCtion toneglcc`t no good office, wherebyour friends Y,% may feele howwell we at%c4them,and how firmcand faithful! our loue is towards them. Are they inaffliction ? Mourne with them,pray forthcm,minifier counfel I, cornfort, andhclpe vn to them.Arc they in profperitie? Reioyccthereat,andwifh,and furtherthe continuanceofthe fame. loyne togetheras oppor- tunitie (hall feruc, in all Chriflian cxercifes,, in callingvpon the nameofGod, in tingingof Pfalmes, inhearingof Sermons,in readingoftheScriptures, in godly conferences, which may buildvptheconfcience. Be fay ling inno dutieofkindnesand curtefie. Entertaineorfalutcone another, with cheerful nes, if prefcnr : either vifite,or fendtokens one toan other, ifabfent : defendthecrcditgand rtiaintaine thecaufe & innocencie ofone are-