tegvegivesstmtvegvegvesvea zettsTotoi-awawiraltg aref.avys7.172v1wenlm AN EXPOSITION OF THE NINETEENTH CHAPTER OF THE PROVERBS. CHAPTER. XIX. Verfc. t. Better is thepoorethat walkth in his vpriLhtnes, then heethatperwerteth has w yes, andis afoole: Etteristhepoore 3more happieandcomfor- table is the elate ofhim that is of little wealth, andof fmall polfcflions, andgrea- ter refpeft is tobe hadofhirn , that walketb inhisvprightnes, indeuoureth con(lantlieto be id} and godlie, in wordes and worker, then hee that ahufth his lippes , then the rich that is giuen to fpeakc wickedlie, and is afoole, voideofgrace, and godly.wifdome, and full ofvice, and íeaudnes. Thus flan- dcth theoppoGtion : better is thepoore that vfethhis tongue aright,andwalketh vprightlie,and fo is wife,then the rich that abufeth his tongue,andwalkethcorruptly, and fois a look. ¡They that be (mall andgodlie, are in better cafe then fuch as begreat andwicked. Pouertie is oftentimes found to be an ornament, and for great commendation,as it was to theworthie Smirnians in the ReuelationofSaint John, and riches turne tobe a reproch,and f' matter