Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

PROVERBS' Chapt.18, matter ofgreat difgracc, asbefell that churlith ¿Vabalt , in the 41.z. booke.ofSamcsel. There weremanic richer men then thole di(Irei[edSaints,whom theApol}le fpeakethofin the Hebruer, whichwandredvn c downein /he ös-skinnes, goats-slrinnes, being rT1.37. de[iitute,affli(led,& tormeted,ra,andringin thewild.'rnefe;i ,( Y11tn twines derines,and cages of the earth : how could any bemuch poorer ? andyet noworldlingwas fo good : for theScripture tea ifieth, that theworldwas not worthie of them. Fir(l, integritieand goodnes,doe foFarre furpalre a.11 earthlic poifeflions in worthand value, as that theyare fcarcc fit to be named together in oneday, by wayofcomparifon. Secondly,thegodlie byhis graces, though neuer fo meant, is much more profitable to the places where heeconuer1rh, then the wicked , though ncucr Co nightie : the one doeth good,and either keepeth otfcurfes, or procureth the remouall of them:and theother worketh milchiefc,and draw thdowne .4 iudgements vpon a-people,and. caufeth a continuance thereof. ;:. Thirdlic, the conditionof theperlons thernfelws is verie vnequall, byour Sauiours owne fentence,efpeciallie in regard of that which they (hall finde for their eternal' (kite hereafter. 6,10. Blefedbe thepoore(faith hee) foryours is the kingdome ofGod : but woe beto you that art rich , foryou haue recei.uedyour confolati- on : Bleffedareyeethat hunw ernow,forye fhalbeLathfcd : but woe be toyo.0 that arefisil, foryefh;hunger. Bleffedareye that weepe now, foryefhal1 laugh : but woe be toyou that nowlaugh, foryefhzllwaffle andweepe. 1,7 e Intru ion tobemoil prouident,in gaining that whichwill be moll profitable to further our preferment. Ifvpright wal- kingwill glue vs a precedencie in the tight ofGod ,and hearts ofgood men,before them that abound in fob í} . Uce,&; are bar- ren offanc4iíication, it is labour bell bellowed, rather to trea- lure vpfpirituall venues , then toheape vp carnali commodi- ties: rather to prouide for the foule,as did poore Latarm,thcn topamper vp the flefh,as did the richEpicure. Now the (late of theone is knowneto bebletfed,when thetimewas,whenhe fee- medverymiferable: & now thecafe oftheother is fearful!, thoughonce hewas thought tobemob fortunate. Rcproofe