Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

y'erfe.x, PROVERBS. 35 Reproof of them that defpife thepoore, becaufe theyrec- kon themfo baleandcontemptible, and magnifie the-rich, be- caufe theye(Èeeme them fo excellent and honorable. So dealt they in theApollles time , as Saint tames conuinceth them theygaue all entertainment to thewealthic, though theywere perfecutors,andblafphemers,byoffering delpite to theneedy, though they were Gods owne formes, and heyresofhis king- dome. And it is an ordinarie thing in all quedions and difcour- fes, andthat which the hoheGhoff reprehendeth , that the wifedomeof thepare is deOiled , andhis wordes arenot heard : but the fayingsof the rich , hoî frivalous , and foolifh , and falfe foeuer they bee, are made authenticke : and their ations, (though neuerfo vnlawfull) doe carrricauthoritiewith them, are made warrantablt,or necetfarie precedents, for imitation. Whomay contradid,when the teílimonie of your betters is alleadged for proofe? who may diflike,when the example of the bed is brought for pratife ? And who are thefe betters ? they that haue more money , and leire honeflie then their neighbours. And who are therebell in the houfe, belt in the Towne, bell in the Countrey ? they that haue the bell liuings, thoughdiuersof themhue moll leaudlic. Vale 2. Both the mindewithout knowledge is notgood, andhee thathafieneth withhisfeetefinnetb. T Wo vices are here matched together, and reprooued to- gether,as dangerousand hurtful], wherof the one is caufe of the other, whichare ignorance, and ra(hnes. Concer- ning the former, it is (aide, that without knonledge , where the foundknowledgeofGods holie will is contemned, or neglec- ted,themmdc is notgood: the nun is not good. Fora part is put for thewhole : whatfoeùer fhewes heemaketh offaithfulneife within ,all is but dcceiueable 5 his foule (as the originall Text bath it ) is dellituteofgoodnes,and then,what is there in him, orproceedeth from him , that may be calledgood ? And bee that'há44enethrvith hisfeete,finneth. . E 2 The