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, ; lIháegsMIjz .;ffi Ì , c' c, i r. ro /``' i^7e'i°-arK CIP ( , ~a iSt AN E OF THE TWENTIETH CHAPTER OF THE PROVERBS. CHAPTER. XX. Verle I. Wine is ameck_or, andffrong drinke is raging , andwho- eater ss deceiuedthereby , fhallnot bewife. Inc ncedleflie, or immoderately taken , ù a mocker,makethhim a mockerwhich intem- perately abufeth it : e firongdrinke is raging, caufeth them that arc oucr-gonc therewith, tobrawie, contend, brcakeforth intoout- raged, and goe together by thecares. And n hefoeuerúdeceiued by it , inticedby the co- lour,or raft of it,to exceed in it,by drinking toooften,or too much,j allnot be rife : either withdivinewifc- dome,or humanc,but Phewhimfelfc a foole,and reapc the fruit of his follie. They that glue thernCPlues to drunkennetre , doe call them- D ft, felues into maniemifchiefes. Thewoe, theforrow,the murmuring , theretiesof eyes, and o- Ptoa, thercullsreckonedvp, in the threeand twentieth Chapter fol- lowing,doe manifell this, andour prcfent Text,doth ycelde vs arguments cnough, and thongenough, for further proofe of thefame. 0 3- As: