y'erfe ZZ. PROVERBS. to3 be fecureand careles tliereof,it prooueth a venmows ferpcnt, as well for craft as crueltie. It came frealingvpon 2Voe, (whom all theworld could not feduce)and bit him fo,as that hiswicked fonnc Cham in (stiltedou,r him,andhis godly formes Shen, and Iaphet, were boric to fee him in tuch a cafe. Wherefore our Sa, uiour bywayofacaueat,doth prcfcribe onepreferuatiueagain Il it,and that is a prouident care,& con f ant circutnpcfion,that we fall not into it, laying, Take heedtoyourfelsaes,leafl at anytime Luke your hearts be oppref ed with furfetting anddrunkennes. Which lothadmonifn vs tobe warie,what companie we frequent, or elfe, we arealtogether hcedletfeofour owne fafetie : for com- monly theambufhes of thisvice,whcreby fomany are circunì- uented, doe lie in contagious companie. Neither will it fuffice thee todecline the focictie of them that arc ofbadnote , but thou mu 11 be watchful] alfo Doer thy feu e, and thyappetitc,in feai}ing withmen of better accourir Diners arewoundedwhere they fufpcc`ied noperil], andmanie ouerchargcdwith prouocations andheaiths,where nothing in lhewc,but fobrictie is profeited. A s it is a (hame for theone to make fuchvndccentchallenges, fo it is neither difgr<ace to re-- fufe them,nordifcurtefie not to anfwere them. And Saint Paul loth adds yet another preferuatiue to the former ,andgiueth dlreftion howwe may keepeour bodies from this internperan. cie, and that is , by f}oringour Celtics with grace , which will furely defend thewhole man. Be notdrunken É faith hee) withEph. . wine, wherein is excel e, but befilledwiththefpirit, &c. Verle s. Themeareof rimKing i lakethe roaring of Lyofl: he thatpreuaketh him, toanger,frnnethagainfi his owne foule. T HefeareoftheKing his wrath ,which.flriketh a terrouri intotheir hearts, withwhom hee ¡heweth hiinklfe offen ded,islike the roaring ofa Lyo.n,veric fearful] & dangeraus: heeth&et p;.ouof 'th him to anger , which incurrethhis indigna- tion by difobedicnce, oranic ill demeanour, lnn.th aóairsf his ownefoule: not onely defilethhisfoule, with the träfgreilronof Gods holieLawe, but putieth his life in great perilJ,and fxpo feth famerothe fentcnce of death. See chap. a 6.14. Verf 3 .,