YeYf. 4 s, Secondly, great and admirable is thebenefit that proceeded' fromPeace andConcord , andmanifold mikhiefes hereby pre- uentcd : The heart bathmore refs , the Satehath morefaietie, thecredit is betterpreferred , thenby brawles , and 1 ilites , and needlcffe oppoftions ,which doe interrupt ail Godly andChri- fiian meditations and exercifes , and caufe much vncharitable dealing , vexations , expenles , and infamy , in to much that he compareth the beginning of firife to a breachniade in theSea banke , where through the v,,aters breaks , and drowne vp a whole Country. See Chap. Y 7. v.14. and 13. v. io. Do6 . z. Verf. 4. 'Theflouthfillwill not plome becaafe o fwinter, where. for he(hallbegge in Sommer andOisenothing. Hefloutlrfidlwill not plowe hecauf ofWinter,] Here is a de-. 1 fcriptionofa tender and fearefull flaggard. Indeede win- ter is colde, and theweather then fometimes biting, but yet it is a feafon meete for plowing, whichbecaufe theaire is nipping and fharp,he letteth alone,bywhich manner offpeech is meant, that a fiu ail matter will eafily flay an.idle.perfon from following his calling, Wherefore hefhall begge , íhall be driuen to feeke re- liefe at other menshands, in Sommer.,inharuefl when his neigh- bours that tookepaines in due time are reapingoftheir corn. modities , and inioy plenty , whichwill be thegreater-eye-fore andharts-griefevntohun,becaufe it is in the natureoffluggards to be enuious, antihauenothing.. he fheweth thecaufeofhis beg- ging, namely penury andneede, whenall his fubfiance is confir- med : and fometimes it fallethout alto byGods righteous pro- uidence, tobe the fuccefie ofhis begging, that noman (hall be nioued with compaffion towardes him , tonullifierany, or at lean fuffcient foode or apparel] vntohim. ir Light occafions will hinder careleffe men from the doingof Dart neceiary duties. á It was Paid in the former Chapterverf..24. that itwas more then the flouthfull was willing to doe, toplucke his hand outof his bofome, and put it to his navuthagaine. Wherefore hefhallbeggc, O'c. He that will take his cafewhen Doi, P