Yo 1e ought not, (hall feele mifery whenhe would not. Verf. 5. ? e coupfaile in thehart ofa man is likedeepewaters, but aman ofvnderflandrng willdraw it out. He counfaile in thehart of a ran,1 the fecret intent of his minde and purpofe ofhis hart, which is like deepe waters,is by forre diners times fo cunningly hidden,&clofely concealed in the fecret corners andbottomeofthe foule,that it is a hard mat- ter to found or pereciue the fame. But a man of vnderflanding willdraw it out , he that is induedwith wiídome and discretion, will difcouer and apprehend what pradifes are in hand , and what matters are like tobe attempted. So it commeth topafhe often , but not alwaies , nor neceflàrily, becaufe goodmen are not feldome circwnuented by the wiles andcrafty deuifesofthe wicked. Deïf. Ir Malicious men haue further reaches and plots in their heads t. then the worldknoweth of. Be avaliant Sonne in law , faith Saul to ¶ Dauid , andfight the Lordes battazles , and I. willgiue theemy Daughter to wife : but Sam.t8. veil. Saul thought, faith the Text, my.handfhallnot bevpon him,but the 25. hands ofthePhili linesfhall bevponhim. And agaiue , Idefirene dowry fcr my Daughter, faith he, but an hundreth fire-skins ofthe Philines to be auengedon theKinges enimies : but what moued him tooffer fuck great kindnes vntoDauid?Why, Saulthought faith the holyGhofi, to make Dauid fall into the handes ofthe Philfaines. When e4bfalom had a minde to raiíè a rebellion at Hebron , and to confpire againfi the State and lifeofthe King hisovine Father, what pretencehad he ofgoing thither, and Saln.15.v.7. drawingcompany vnto him ? He had forfooth, a vow to be per- formed at Hebron , and that with as muchdeuotion, and great folemnity as might be.. When Herode had a full refolution to goe to 'Bethlehem, that hemight murther Iefus ChriFt , he defi- stb, averf.8. tobe informed of the v ilemenwhere he might be lure to finde him, to the end that he might repaire to the place, and worfhip him. Real T. Firl+, corrupt nature hath poyfoned the harts ofall men yore- generate