Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Pert. s PRO . to7 generatewithguile and fubtlety in fuch fort as that theProphet rnaketh a grieuous complaint thereof, faying, Thehart isdeceit- 14r.17. very fill and wicked aboue all thinges , who can know it ? Neither are Gods owne people , nonot the belt of them free from that ve- nome of hidden craft lurking fecretly in their foules , whereby themfelues are many times beguiled. Did Dfuidonce dreame, or had the leafi doubt that he fhould be to farrccarryed away with wanton lookes, andwirked lulls , as thereby to fall into ío fouie adultery, and murder ? And wouldmeter beleeue , though Chu i.í`t did fbeake it,that there would be found fuchcovvarclife in him , that he fhould forfake and for- iweare his owne Mafler, whome he b a`gged to much that hewould fland to fo tnaufully, anddye ith ? Secondly, malice doth ak aies beare craft and falle-hood with it, making fem'biance ofone thing , and minding another, neuer hauing keener purpofeswith edges offwordes,then when they giue iweetell fpeeches with fmoothneffe of oyle . Ioab would it brace Abner , and Amafa , whenhe intended to flay them, and India. r-ould nee des kille ourSautotsr Chrifl, when his purpofe was to betrayhim. Thirdly, Sathan doth infpire, and learne them his skill ofde- ; ceit, becaufe theyare in hand with his workeof mifchiefe. By the faine meanes wherby he proceedeth and feemeth to profper in his owne hellith attempts, he informeth them to manage theirs . InftruEtion to (hake off this finne of guile anddiffimttlation, Vfc. and let ourharts be apert and tingle, though not indifcreet, and too fmple. For two extremities are with great heedefulneffe to be auoided, that vve"neiither-be deceivers, nor negligently fuller ourfelues tobedecciued :that Webe not like greene quagmires to inticeothers intoour daunger, nor like feely Birds for abaize to call our felues intoother mensnets. It is not alwaies fate to wade in fiillwaters, whichmine' foftly,becaufe they 'oftenprone very deepeneither isit Wifjciome troll to faire fhewes offaith- fulnefle,becaufe they are found dicers fifties to'be deceitfull. It Was a barbarous treachery' `of I/hmael the Sonne of1Vethaniak fo fraudulently tofurprizeandmaffacre that charitable Gedaliah P and