Yea OTT R 4t. D. L2, and his company , who little fufpeéIedany peril I from him : and it was toomuch fatuity ofÇedaliah not tomifiruf}.Ifhrnael, e_ fpecialiybeingforewarned by Iohanan of thepraó ife inhand, and thepurpofe ofhis comming. Doff,. But aman ofvnderflanding, &c. There be none focrafty,but 2. others maybe as wife to fift them.. Fifhes by long lines or nets aredrawne from thebottome of Riuers : and Marriners with their plummets vfe to found the depth oftheSea itfeïfe, and no mans har is utterly bottomeles, though it be farre and hard to pcirce to the bottome thereof. hit. x. verfi 5. They that preached Chrft of enuy would not tell thepeople what was the inotiue oftheir preaching , and yet Pau1was able to difcouer it . And they that heard Ezechiel fo negligently ch.33.v.3t. without confcience ofobeying , profefied not their worldlyaf_ fc Uons,that their hartswent after theircouetoufneffe;(for they came to him, as peoplevfed to come, they fate before him , they heard his wordes , and praifed hisfermons) yet Ezechiel could conuince themofhypocrifie.. Real Firm, the Lordhimfelfe knoweth all their intents , thoughts, r, and imaginations, and who fhall inioyne him. tokeepe their counfailes, and not difclofe them ? 2. Secondly , he bathvariety of meaner wherebyhedoeth im- part to his people the plots andpra&ifes ofimpofors, direbing them fometimes byordinary rules,toBete& them, as by parling NN ith them, and propoundingquefiionsvnto them,and ferioufly judging of their fpeeches and anfweres : and fo by obferuation of their gefliires, of their countenance, &c. whichnow and then be«.ray the mnifchiefe which they conceiute in theirmindes -, And fometimes by extraordinary revelation., as Iereny confef_ fech, laying, TheLordbathtaught me, andIknow it , cuen then s. T9. thou /hcwedfl me theirpr'aUffc-s. But Inv.). likeaLambe , or Bid- locke that 2wA4 brought to the flaughter , andIknew not that they baddeuifedthus again ix mefying , let vs degray the treewith the, frs*it thereof, and-cut him; out oftheLand .off she l:uing,. that his name may be no more in memory.. As craftily as Ieroboarn had contriued the matter, to fend his wife difguifed to A6jah the Prophet, yet e/ibiah informed by the Lordi new who filet was,.