Pi t erf: 6. was, andwhy thee came, before fhee fet a Footewithin hisdore. In like manner was gehefifound out byElifhah , and Ananias 1. *104.' withSapphyrabyPeter, and others by otherofhis feruants. In(iruolion to embrace this wifdome and vnderflandingwhich Yfë. will defcrye the trailles of our aduerfaries , and preuent their I. fetches, that they cannot preuaile againf vs. It went to thehart ofSaul to be fo oftendefeated of his purpofes.againti Dauid, that/he could neuer fucceede to remake- a difpatch ofhim : and what was the let and impediment ? The watchfull eye, and mighty hand ofGod, which was alwaies his fhield, andprefent refuge, but mcanes there werebetide which Situ/ in difcontent- mentdeclarethin thewort} manner , faying, He is fubtile and I.Sam.13.v crafty : and Dauid in thankefulneffe acknowledgeth in the bets, faying, By thy Commaundements thou hag made mewiferthen Pfal.11.9.V mine enemies.. Terrour for them that harbour cal thoughts and aft- eaions z0 in their harts,for they are alwaies in danger tobe difinaskedand laide open to infamyand fhame , for their falfe-hood and lewd- nefhe :no art canpreferue them from reproch andcontempt,they daunce in anet when they feeme todeale molt clofe:y. And ifa wife man can efpie adiffembler now in this world,when theone bath fo many couerings to hide him, and the other fo great dimneffe offight to hinderhim , (hall nDt all guilefull perfons muchmorebe found out,and expofed to confulion in the world to come, and at theday oftheLord, when all their cogitations . and courfes (hall be fiript naked , and all eyes moil clearely be- hold them ? when the Iudge of the quicke and the dead (hall in_ die and arraigne them, before that great and generali affembly both ofMen and Angels, andbring all their wayes to light and judgement ? Vert. 6, cAfanymenwillboat? eueryone of hit goodneflie , but whofballfinde afaíthfullman ? men,, Proudeandvaire=glorinusperfons which are 1:nany, Will boafl euery one ofhisgoodneflie, wil pubiì(h and fet. bsoadc the commendable s which they take to be in P. 3 them,