Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

/tó PROVERBS. Ter!: 6. _thereelues, and the kindneffe and benefits which theyperforme to others : but who canfinde a faithfill mean . ? The interrogatio ii dcth import an impoli;bility,that faithful men are not only rare, bolt none at all : yet his meaning is not abfolutely that there are none faithfuil (for that would contradiel. other Scriptures,which haue teflihed ofthe virightne fe of.fiindry-good menby name, and defcribed the integrity. of others which are not particularly mentioned) but that among thefe braggers , which are fu fore- ward to magnife themfelu_s , and ce co,:ate their owne praifes, there is not one faithFll man tobe founid, which doeth mood with a good coilicieiìce , iii fingienefle of hart towardes God, and loue and compau1on to hi6 brethren. Doa. 4 The bell workes ofvnfaithfiill men be ofnovalew withGod. Theyare highly conceited of that which they doe , whereashe little paffeth for that , but rather obferueth what ones they are. 0).7.16.1$. (Almneuer gather jrapes ofThornes , nor Figs of Thrfles. 4 goodTree cannot bring firth euill fruit , neither canan euiil Tree bring firthgoodfruit. ThePharifees were knowne both in Ieru- falein, and through out all the land , to giue much almeí%to the poore, to fail , topray , to doe diuers thinges which the world admired, and for the fame had them in great eflimatiolì,and yet becaufe the menwere naught, and their harts were naught,. all thofè glorious painted workes were finnefiill and loathfome. Our Sauiour telleth vs of many that will feeke acquaintance of him, forprophesying in his name , andcalling out ofDeuils by his name , anddoing many great workes in his name : and yet he will 6.7. v. 2.. profef fe that heneuer knew them, but bidde them departfrom him, asbeingworkers of iniquity. 7eaf. Firfl,vvhatfoeuerproceedeth from An vnregenerate and flefh- i.' ly man, mußneedes becorrupt as a worke ofthe flefh, and con- fequently vnfauoury and finnefull. 2. Secondly, all the workes of the wicked doe want good fea- foiiing by faith, and Chriflian loue , without which euery thing is difia(lfiill to God how delegable foetier it feemeth to men. Thirdly, the harts'of hypocrites andgracelelfe men, by'occa- fion of anygood which they performe , aremuchpuff vp with pride, and to made the workeby-goodarions , as here appea- reth .41